The Seedbed Daily Text

As of June 2021:


Daily Text Subscribers

It seems obvious to say, but the Daily Text is written every day. Mostly it is written the day before it is scheduled to be released online. It’s not exactly a Bible study, though the Bible is both the source and subject. And the goal is not educational in nature, but transformational. Here at Seedbed, we are more interested in folks knowing Jesus than knowing about Jesus.

Over the years, the Daily Text has grown to be much more than a daily reflection. Through the encouragement of the Daily Text community, we’ve birthed:

What you may not know, is that it takes daily effort from five different Seedbed team members and monthly investment into seven separate technologies to sow the Daily Text and its related initiatives as freely as we do. We’re deeply committed to this ongoing, transformational work, and welcome you to join hands with us as we continue to sow this resource into our communities.

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Questions? Please feel free to reach out to Rachel Smith at